Ready to Break Free From Pushing Yourself to the Limit to Succeed in Your Career?
Stop Overworking & Achieve Your Ambitions With Ease
You don't have to push yourself to the limit or sacrifice your life to succeed in your career.
Through my signature 1:1 programme, Resilience, I will support you step-by-step to elevate your career performance without overworking, exhaustion or crippling stress.
It's specifically designed to help you leverage the power of an Ayurvedic lifestyle in 12 weeks, so that you can calm your nervous system, boost your energy and efficiency and elevate your professional success, whilst having time and space to enjoy your life.

You Deserve To Succeed at Work And Enjoy Life!
You know you can perform well at work but underneath you
still fear failure and not being 'good enough'!
Maybe you are fed up of constantly pushing yourself and feeling exhausted - but you can't seem to find a way out
Maybe you doubt yourself and whether you are 'good enough' and look for external validation - which fuels anxiety
Maybe you wear a mask and focus on what you think other people want you to be - rather than understanding what your authentic self desires
Maybe you overthink, over-plan and want perfection - to try and gain control, instead of finding ease and flow
Maybe you question whether you can continue to put work and other people first - there is more to life but you may not be convinced that you deserve it!
Maybe you're wondering if it's even possible for you

You're in The Right Place
I've worked with hundreds of ambitious professionals who felt exhausted, alone and inferior...
It is so frustrating when you have worked really hard to succeed in your career - but feel trapped in a constant cycle of overworking and pleasing others, whilst feeling resentful about not finding time to discover and support your own needs.
You know your lifestyle needs to change but likely feel overwhelmed and confused about where to start - leading you to procrastinate and do nothing at all!
It's my mission to take away the overwhelm and mystery around overcoming your high functioning anxiety, by outlining the steps you need to take to manage fear and prioritise your needs (no you're not a burden - you do deserve it) inside Resilience.​
How Would It Feel To...
Know the quickest way to shift you out of stress and anxiety mode and back to 'homebase'?
Implement the exact yoga practices that will help rebalance your anxious body and mind?
Start your day in a calm and collected way - rather than dreading how you might get through!
Take control of your inner wellbeing to thrive in work and life
Identify your emotional needs in any given moment to rebalance
Know which foods will calm and restore your energy from the inside out
Go to bed feeling more content and able to rest - instead of tired and wired!
Have confidence that your lifestyle routines support your health?
Have the energy and focus to work towards your career ambitions & life goals?
Let go of excessive fear and feel free to live your life?
Have a clear step-by-step plan of action with accountability and support?​
All of This is Possible For You!
Wishes they had known this
years ago!
"I wish I'd known this years ago. It was transformational to realise the power of breath and how quickly and effectively it overcomes anxiety - I use the breathwork techniques as soon as I feel stressed and I now stay calm"

No longer feels anxious about life
"I was feeling very stressed and overwhelmed with everything in my life. I needed to feel less anxious and more grounded. Sam was always positive and her smiling face was reassuring. I no longer feel anxious about my life and I'm dealing
with things better"
Is more organised and productive
"I'm more organised to complete tasks during the day rather than putting things off and drifting through the day. I use the taught techniques at the start and end of the day on a regular basis"

The Old Way To Manage High Functioning Anxiety
Currently overworking and pleasing others has led you to achieve in your career but now your health is paying the price. When you continue to ignore the signs and symptoms your body and mind are showing you, they eventually start screaming louder.
Remember, Nothing Changes
if Nothing Changes.
You no longer need to just get through the week. Instead Resilience will teach you the exact steps to help you support your own needs, from the inside out - without lengthy and complex protocols!
There is a Better way; The 3R Method.
In just 3 months you can:
You are 'Good Enough'
You likely fear not being 'good enough'. Learn to change your physiology from chronic fear and survival to relaxed and grounded to operate from an optimal state daily.
Self-Care is Essential
Nourish your overwhelmed and exhausted mind and body with short & simple but very effective personalised self-care routines and personalised nutrition, just for you.
Take Back Control
Rebalance your emotions, mind and body from the inside out. Release, shift and up-level your energy - ready to realise your ambitions and continue succeeding!
When these 3 elements come together, you can easily become a Resilient Ambitious Professional
And I'm going to show you how.

Hi, I'm Samantha Dinnage
A leading Ayurveda Coach for ambitious professionals living with High Functioning Anxiety (with real world corporate experience).
For 15 years I lived with high functioning anxiety, totally oblivious until my health deteriorated so much, that I completely shut down and I could no longer ignore it.
I strived to achieve the highest degree and post-graduate results, then I took on more responsibilities in my career and life to prove to everyone (and myself) that I was 'good enough' - it was utterly exhausting and I felt so alone!
I no longer live in a state of chronic fear and my life is much more rounded and free - whilst still being ambitious!
For the last 7 years I have been teaching natural holistic tools to support body, mind and emotions.
My clients want to feel proud of their work whilst not giving away all their time and energy to their career. They have often lost touch with who they are and what they need. As ambitious professionals they want to know they are spending their time wisely and want simple but powerful steps to guide them back home to a feeling calm, self-assured and energised.
And now it's your turn!
What is The 3R Method?
The 3R Method, is my holistic approach that enables you to move through life with greater freedom, ease and authenticity. It will teach you to shift from a fear based survival state to feeling calm and grounded. It will save you time from overthinking and overworking.

This approach recognises that the mind, body and emotions are all interconnected with the nervous system and your behaviour. As an ambitious professional you need to step
out of your comfort zone to grow - fact! My method gives you gradual practical steps to help you move forwards
past your high-functioning anxiety and supports you to become resilient and return to your calm 'homebase'
anytime you need it.
The 3R method will support you to finally understand high functioning anxiety and the impact it has on your body, mind and emotions and how it can keep you stuck in patterns of overworking and perfectionism and how to deal with it once for for all.
There is a better way... A holistic Ayurveda way...
Resilience is specifically designed to help you leverage the power of an Ayurvedic lifestyle in 12 weeks, so that you can calm your nervous system, boost your energy and efficiency and elevate your professional success, whilst having time and space to enjoy your life.
The 3 steps you'll take inside Resilience with the 3R Method:
Personalised Yoga
Breathwork, Movement
& Massage
Relaxing your body,
helps to relax your mind
Drop down out of the mind and into the body
Change how you feel in as little as 60 seconds
Let excess cortisol and adrenalin flow out of you
Release tension and feel lighter with short Ayurvedic yoga practices
Let emotions flow through you as you move and breath
Open up and restore your body and in-turn your mind
Soothe your nervous system and let go of mental burdens with Ayurvedic guided massage
Emotional Energy
Release, Balance
& Uplift
Be aware of your own emotional state and separate it from others
Be aware of the sensory input that your system is taking in everyday
Adjust your environment to up-level your mental field
Recognise your nervous system 'traffic light' state and adapt
Develop your emotional vocabulary
Pause and reflect instead of living on auto-pilot
Uplift your emotional vibration for greater health
Gradually welcome in the human emotional experience
Tailored Nutrition
Nourish from the
Inside Out
Eat well - for your taste buds,
body & mind
Improve digestion with simple Ayurvedic tips
Boost your digestive fire (agni)
Feel satisfied with a range of yummy tastes (6 tastes)
Introduce foods that will help to rebalance your mind and emotions
Make gradual nutrition changes that are achievable for you
Focus on simple delicious whole foods
Try Ayurvedic herbs that nudge your body and mind in the right direction
Plus, you'll feel deeply supported
Stay accountable and move forwards step-by-step
Coaching calls
Weekly video call check-ins and coaching support to celebrate what's going well and address
any challenges
Direct messaging
Message me directly throughout the programme for further clarification & support
24-7 Access
You have 24-7 access to learning materials, guided video tutorials, planners and resources
In just 12 weeks you'll be on your way to
Stop Overworking & Achieve Your Ambitions With Ease
The 3R Method Gives You Everything You Need
So You Don't Have to Push Yourself to the Limit or Sacrifice Your Life to Succeed in your Career
...Even if you've tried & failed before.
The 3R Method is designed to set you up for success with realistic holistic
solutions so that you aren't stuck on high alert and living from a place of fear.
...Even if you feel stretched and struggle to find time for you.
Knowing exactly what steps to take and in what order helps remove uncertainty
around decision making. This programme is designed to help take small actions that
add up to a huge transformation - and create more time for you in the process!
...Even if you are apprehensive about the thought of change.
This is totally understandable, but allow me to assure you that the gradual changes will soon start to feel normal and comfortable. Change for the better is a good thing!
...Even if you worry your work performance will be hindered.
When you work without constant overworking, exhaustion or crippling stress, you can elevate your career performance from a place of confidence, ease and flow - without second guessing yourself and your decisions - hooray!
No matter where you are at now, by the end of Resilience, you will have everything you need to trust that you can stop pushing yourself to the limit and be a resilient ambitious professional
My Clients Find Me When They Feel Anxious, Overwhelmed
And Exhausted, And Leave Feeling Nourished And With
The Ayurvedic Lifestyle and Support To Know They
Can Thrive in their Career and Life
From overwhelmed to focused and calm

From over-thinking to a clear mind

Frequently Asked Questions
What is the time commitment on a weekly basis?
You will have an initial 1 hour consultation, which you will need to fill in an introductory form beforehand, which will take about 20 minutes. Then we will have 30 minute zoom sessions
each week after that. There will be bitesize steps to implement throughout, which will save
you time in the long run.
Will I have to follow a restrictive diet?
The whole ethos of this programme is to fit into your everyday life. Any nutrition improvements will be gradual and at a pace to suit you e.g. adding some balancing sides to your meals (think home made sweet potato wedges), rather than overwhelm you with a whole new eating plan and 14 recipes!
What if I have already tried every food, yoga and energy plan going?
You haven't tried the 'Resilience' programme yet, it is a lifestyle change completely personalised to your circumstances. Resilience uses a whole wealth of Ayurvedic holistic tools, that work in harmony together to create a powerful high functioning anxiety transformation.
How long will it take to feel an improvement?
You will start to feel a difference from week 1. As you implement each holistic step, they will add up to create a real transformation in your experience of work and life.
I am scared I don't have the time or the energy!
If you feel like you don't have the time or energy, your lifestyle needs to change and Resilience can help you with that. Resilience will help you discover and trust that you can look after your own needs (instead of everyone else) - whilst still succeeding in your career.